Step 6 - Custom Fitting Functions

Sometimes, the default fitting functions presented by Eddington aren’t enough for your specific use-case and you may want to write your own fitting function instead. In this video, you will see how to load a fitting function into Eddington-GUI and use it to fit the data.

Here, we’ll assume you are familiar with the Python programming language and that you read the tutorial for how to write a fitting function. You can read this tutorial in the following URL (

Here, we wrote a fitting function in a python file called “”. You can see that we wrote a fitting function, wrapped with the “fitting_function” decorator, in order to indicate that this is the actual fitting function.

Pay attention, Eddington-GUI won’t recognize a fitting function unless it is wrapped with the “fitting_function” decorator, and that the “save” parameter is not set to false, as described in the tutorial.

In Eddington-GUI’s main window, click the “Load module” button and find the python module you’ve written. After you load the file, your new fitting function will be added to the fitting functions selection box. Select it and use it as any other fitting function.

Thank you for watching this video. In the next and final video we’ll summarize everything we walked through in these videos