Step 4 - Fitting The Data

In this video, we’ll see how to fit your data according to a fitting function.

Eddington offers you an array of default fitting functions such as linear, parabolic, hyperbolic, exponential, normal, and many others. You can choose which one of them to use by clicking the “Fitting function” dropbox. In our example, we’ll select the hyperbolic fitting function.

Once you choose which fitting function to use, you can press the “Fit” button and get the fitting result. You can visualize your fitting by clicking the “Plot Fitting” button and see how close was your fit to the data. Lastly, you can press the “Residuals” button to see the errors of your fitting.

If you wish to add titles and labels to the axes, you simply enter them in the designated text box, that’s located on the right of the main window. If you do not specify a title, the title would be the fitting function. As for the axes label, the default label would be the name of the column chosen for the x and y axes. You can also add grid lines to the plot by checking in the “Grid” checkbox.

If you wish to save your fitting results, first choose an output directory in which you want to save those results. Once you select the output directory, press the “Save” button, and all your fitting results and plots will be kept there.

Thank you for watching. Next, we’ll see how to select and unselect records from your data.